MANILA, Philippines - If you're seeking a truly hardcore and daredevil activity, you're in the right city.
According to CNN, “steering a motorcycle through Manila traffic” has made it to the list of "10 insane activities for thrill-seekers" in Asia.
"Riding a Harley-Davidson doesn’t usually qualify as an extreme activity. Unless the biker is in congested Manila, where hospitals tallied up 1,662 injuries from motorbike accidents in the first three months of 2010,” the entry noted.
CNN linked to abs-cbnNEWS.com's story, "Motorcycle most dangerous mode of transport" last July 13, 2010.
The news item cited a report of the Department of Health that said 55.4% of the 3,077 vehicular accident-related injuries in hospitals around the country during the first three months of 2010 were riding motorcycles. A major culprit is drunk driving.
Of the injured motorcycle drivers, 66% were reported dead when they arrived in the hospitals.
The list contains other "thrills that will get the most jaded heart thumping". They include:
1. Bridge crossing in Pakistan
Hussaini-Borit Lake bridge has been dubbed the "most dangerous bridge in the world" since many of its wooden planks are missing.
2. Yak skiing in India
The skier shakes a bucket of pony nuts, causing the hungry beast to charge downhill and yank the skier up at lighting speed. The peculiar sport happens in Manali, a snowy resort town top of a hill.
3. Rolling downhill in Zorb balls in Cambodia
Thrill seekers get inside inflatable sphere balls at I-Ball Adventure Park in Sihanoukville, then hurled down a steep hill and across a rickety bridge at a speed of up 50 kilometers per hour
4. Whitewater rafting in South Korea
What makes rafting down the furious Hantangang River part of the list is that the North Korean border is a few paddle strokes away.
5. Running with mad bulls in India
While India's roads are as crazy--or even crazier--as Manila's, the bull-taming sport during the Tamil Nadu festival is on a different level. "Villagers chase the drunk and fuming animals, risking injury to grab the money taped to their horns," the entry said.
6. Driving on China's tunnel road
The Guoliang Tunnel in Henan Province was nicknamed “the road that does not tolerate any mistakes” since it winds high above gravel and stone without guardrails.
7. Motorcycle driving in Manila
8. Formula racing in a single-seater in Thailand
The Taki Racing school in Bangkok puts students in a Formula Renault racecar after only 2 days of training.
9. Jumping off the KL Tower in Malaysia
Daredevils drops 421 meters off the Kuala Lumpur's tower icon during an annual Tower Jump.
10. Bungee jumping in Macau
Macau Tower not only provides thrill-seekers the highest bungee jump (233 meters) in the world, it also offers a 200 kilometer per hour free fall speed.
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