Saturday, March 05, 2011

'Naked therapist' bares all for patients -- literally

MANILA, Philippines - Sarah White, a 24-year-old psychology graduate, believes that the "power of arousal" can help people gain more control over their lives.

She is the woman behind "naked therapy," a new kind of "treatment" that is slowly gaining popularity -- particularly among males -- in New York.

In hour-long sessions via the Internet, White converses with her clients and tries to solve their problems while slowly taking off her clothes.

Toward the end of the session, she is completely naked.

"Instead of the cold, objective, impersonal demeanor of the traditional therapist, you encounter me, just as I am with nothing to hide. And as a result you feel closer to me, less inhibited around me, and by being turned on you're able to discover things you might not with a clothed therapist," White wrote in her website,

She added, "So like massage therapy uses massage, psychotherapy uses psychology, and aromatherapy uses scents, naked therapy uses nakedness to feel freer and stronger and healthier and happier."

Clients who are 18 years old and above get to schedule a "consultation" with White via her website,, with each session worth $100 to $150.

The first 3 sessions are done via one-way private web camera and text chat, which may be followed by voice chat.

Mail Online reported that White currently has around 30 clients which are "an eclectic mix of college students with sexual issues, middle-aged men with relationship problems and even some women who enjoy a chat with a nude peer."

Aside from psychology, White said she is also into modeling, photography and computer programming or coding, among others.

She was voted as one of the Top Ten Sexiest Geeks of 2010 of, an American online technology magazine.

Soft porn?

Not surprisingly, White's new approach to treating patients had its share of negative feedback, particularly from professional psychologists.

Among them is New York-based clinical psychologist Diana Kirschner, who told the Daily News (as mentioned in an article published on Mail Online) that White's so-called treatment is nothing but "interactive soft-core Internet porn."

Currently, White is not a licensed therapist since any sexual interaction with patients is considered unethical by the American Psychoanalytic Association.

White admitted that naked therapy may not be for everyone, but maintained that it is a "very effective way to get men to open up."

"It's not for everyone. But for some people, naked therapy as experienced by my clients has been very eye-opening and world-opening to them," she said in an interview with Daily News.


There's also the concern that people may take advantage of White and spread her photos and videos online. The naked therapist, however, stressed that she has come prepared.

For one, clients or other people are not allowed to record any of their consultations with White. They are also required to "behave properly" during sessions.

"I will be making a full recording of the session and if it shows up anywhere online, I will know who has propagated it, and I will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law," she said.

She ended, "I like to have fun, but these are professional services. If I feel you are out of line, acting disrespectfully or cruelly towards me, I will warn you that if you continue that behavior I will terminate the session. And if you don't stop that behavior, I will terminate the session and your payment will not be refunded."
source: abs-cbnnews

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