MANILA, Philippines -- “Do not be afraid; go and tell my brethren to go to Galilee, and there they will see me.” (Matthew 28:10) These words of Jesus were addressed to the women disciples of Jesus who went to the tomb and encountered Jesus.
The Lord admonished the disciples to stop their mourning and disillusionment and go back to Galilee.
What is significant about Galilee? It was in Galilee where Jesus cured the sick, gave sight to the blind, and made the lame walk. It was in Galilee where He performed signs and wonders. It was there where He and His disciples preached the Gospel and announced the Good News of Salvation. It was there where they spent their days and nights together as friends and as a community of believers. Galilee was their home because Jesus was with them, bringing them the comfort of their true home – the loving embrace of the Father.
At times, when we experienced despair, helplessness and disillusionment, we find it difficult to believe that great things are yet to come. Our eyes have been darkened to the point where we no longer recognize the beauty of other blessings we have received. We find it difficult to believe in the power of God’s grace – the power of the resurrection. The Easter season is here to give us hope, a hope that does not disappoint. It is a hope in the Lord who is more powerful than all our problems put together. He has conquered sin and death. He can conquer anything that brings despair and disappointment in our lives.
The Gospel today simply tells us that in times of difficulties, we must not focus on our problems. Rather, we must look back at the past, relish the moments when God accompanied us through life, and believe that He will never leave us for He loves us so much. The disciples had failed to recognize the power of God beyond death because they fixed their gaze on the cross. They focused too much on Good Friday and forgot that a new life has dawned on Easter. Thus Jesus told them to stop mourning and go back to Galilee.
May our Easter celebration brings us hope, a hope that does not disappoint because it is from the Lord.
source: mb.com.ph
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